Teenaa Kaur Pasricha
National award-winner filmmaker
Teenaa Kaur Pasricha is a National award-winning filmmaker, a Screenwriter fellow from Asia Society NY and a TEDX Speaker. She wrote “MAUJJ” which has gotten in NFDC script lab 2022.
She was selected as an International Leader on Films for social change fellowship granted by the US Dept. of Cultural Affairs in Jan. 2020. Her popular film “1984, When the Sun Didn’t Rise”, won the National Film Award in the Best Investigative Film category.
She was awarded a fellowship in Screenplay writing from Time Warner Foundation, Asia Society, New York for her debutfeature film script "The Red Autumn".
Her upcoming Documentary film “What if I tell you” is a personal documentary film on breast cancer. It has received Fellowship and Award from Bitchitra Collective of Indian Filmmakers, JaiChandiram Fellowship by Intl. Association of Women in Radio and TV, Docedge Kolkata 2023, Dhaka Doc lab 2023, Lets Doc 2020.

With fifteen years of experience in media and filmmaking, Teenaa has been dedicated to creating impactful documentary films on a wide range of subjects including environmental conservation, wildlife preservation, social justice, and women’s health. Her personal experience as a breast cancer survivor drives her commitment to raising awareness through her work.
Teenaa’s films have reached international audiences through platforms like National Geographic, Fox History, and DD, and have been endorsed by prestigious institutions such as the Busan International Film Festival’s “AND FUND”, DOCWOKby DOC Leipzig Germany, and PSBT India.
Her acclaimed work, “1984 When the Sun Didn’t Rise,” has been screened in over 30 universities across the UK, Canada,and the US, further amplifying her impact in the global film community.